BIC World Missions
We give financial and prayer support to missionaries around the world through Brethren in Christ U.S. World Missions. We contribute specifically to the support of missionary family units who minister in Spain, Ecuador, the Four Corners region of the United States, and in several sensitive environments. Learn more about these cross-cultural workers at bicus.org/missions.
Other Ministries
We give financial and prayer support to the following:
The Tide – The Tide is an international Christian outreach that is “Creatively sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ worldwide through media and partnerships.” https://www.thetide.org
New Hope Ministries – a Christian social service agency located in southcentral PA that shares Christ’s love by meeting human needs. https://nhm-pa.org
Paxton Ministries – provides affordable housing and support services for adults who may be challenged with poverty, mental illness, or intellectual disability. https://paxtonmin.org